Java 7 Develop Rich Client Applications 1.0 Training & Placements in Chennai SQL STAR
Java 7: Develop Rich Client Applications
Course Materials and Course Completion Certificates are directly
delivered from Oracle University to those seeking for Foreign Opportunity)
(Government of India Approved Education Center)
Java SE 7: Develop Rich Client Applications training teaches you how
to design a rich client application in a case study approach:
analyze, design & develop key components of the application.
You'll design the application using the Model-View-Controller pattern
& more.
Java SE 7: Develop Rich Client Applications training takes you
through the process of designing a rich client application using
Java SE 7 and Java FX 2. Using the Model-View-Controller (MVC)
pattern and a case study approach, you'll learn to analyze, design
and develop the User interface, connect the User interface to a
database and finally connect the User interface to a RESTful web
Learn To:
- Create a graphical User interface using Java FX.
- Connecta Java FX GUI to database using JPA.
- Connecta Java FX GUI to a RESTful web service.
- Packageand deploy a Java FX application.
- Signa Java FX application.
- connecttheir application to a RESTful web service using JAX-RS and theJersey API.
How to Create a User Interface
User interface is created using key Java FX components including
layouts, UI controls, data structures like ObservableList, charts,
smart tables, CSS and JavaFX concurrency libraries. You'll also
learn to add two tier and three tier features to your application
by connecting to a database using the Java Persistence API (JPA).
Topics Include:
- Packaging and deploying your application.
- Developingsecure applications.
- Signing an application and authentication.
- Addinglogging to your application.
- Implementing unit testing with JUnit.