Oracle Database 12c Program with PL/SQL 1.1 Training & Placements in Chennai SQL STAR
Oracle Database
12c R2: Program with PL/SQL Ed 2
Course materials and Course Completion Certificates are directly delivered from Oracle University to those seeking for Foreign
(Government of India Approved Education Center)
Database Program with PL/SQL training shows you how to develop stored
procedures, functions, packages and database triggers. You'll learn
to manage PL/SQL program units and dependencies, while using of some
of the Oracle-supplied packages.
Oracle Database: Program with PL/SQL training starts with an
introduction to PL/SQL and then explores the benefits of this
powerful programming language. Through hands-on instruction from
expert Oracle instructors, you'll learn to develop stored
procedures, functions, packages and more.
Learn To:- Conditionallycontrol code flow (loops, control structures).
- Createstored procedures and functions.
- UsePL/SQL packages to group and contain related constructs.
- Createtriggers to solve business challenges.
- Usesome of the Oracle supplied PL/SQL packages to generate screenoutput and file output.
- Createcustom packages for applications.
- WriteDynamic SQL code for applications.
Benefits to You Ensure
fast, reliable, secure and easy to manage performance. Optimize
database workloads, lower IT costs and deliver a higher quality of
service by enabling consolidation onto database clouds.
Oracle SQL Developer You
will use Oracle SQL Developer to develop these program units.
SQL*Plus is introduced in this course as optional tools.
Bundle Note:
This course is a combination of Oracle Database: PL/SQL
Fundamentals and Oracle Database: Develop PL/SQL Program Units
Prerequisite- Oracle Database: Introduction to SQL
- Previousprogramming experience
Required Prerequisite
- Oracle Database: SQL Workshop II Ed 2
- Oracle Database: SQL Workshop I Ed 2
Audience- Application Developers
- Database Administrators
- Database Administrators
- System Analysts
- System Analysts
- System Analysts
- FormsDeveloper
- FormsDeveloper
- Developer
- Technical Consultant
- PortalDeveloper
- PL/SQL Developer
Objectives- Manage dependencies between PL/SQL subprograms
- UsePL/SQL programming constructs and conditionally control code flow(loops, control structures, and explicit cursors)
- Createstored procedures and functions
- Useconditional compilation to customize the functionality in a PL/SQLapplication without removing any source code
- Use the Oracle supplied PL/SQL packages to generate screen output,file output and mail output
- Writedynamic SQL for more coding flexibility
- Createoverloaded package subprograms for more flexibility
- Createtriggers to solve business challenges
- Create and debug stored procedures and functions
- Describe the features and syntax of PL/SQL
- DesignPL/SQL anonymous blocks that execute efficiently
- DesignPL/SQL packages to group related constructs
- Handleruntime errors
Course Topics
- PL/SQLdevelopment environments available in this course
- Introduction to SQL Developer
- Course Objectives
- Describe the Human Resources (HR) Schema
- CourseAgenda
with Oracle Cloud Exadata Express Cloud Service- Introduction to Oracle Database Exadata Express Cloud Service
- Connecting to Exadata Express using Database Clients
- Accessing Cloud Database using SQL Workshop
to PL/SQL- Identifythe benefits of PL/SQL Subprograms
- Create a Simple Anonymous Block
- Overview of PL/SQL
- Howto generate output from a PL/SQL Block?
- Overview of the types of PL/SQL blocks
PL/SQL Variables- Sequencesin PL/SQL Expressions
- The%TYPE Attribute
- Usevariables to store data
- Listthe different Types of Identifiers in a PL/SQL subprogram
- What are Bind Variables?
- IdentifyScalar Data Types
- Usageof the Declarative Section to Define Identifiers
Anonymous PL/SQL Blocks- DescribeNested Blocks
- DescribeBasic PL/SQL Block Syntax Guidelines
- Howto convert Data Types?
- Learnto Comment the Code
- Identifythe Operators in PL/SQL
- Deploymentof SQL Functions in PL/SQL
Statements in a PL/SQL block- RetrieveData in PL/SQL
- DataManipulation in the Server using PL/SQL
- AvoidErrors by using Naming Conventions when using Retrieval and DMLStatements
- Understand the SQL Cursor concept
- InvokeSELECT Statements in PL/SQL
- UseSQL Cursor Attributes to Obtain Feedback on DML
- Saveand Discard Transactions
- SQLCursor concept
Structures- Conditionalprocessing using IF Statements
- Conditionalprocessing using CASE Statements
- Use the Continue Statement
- DescribeWhile Loop Statement
- Describesimple Loop Statement
- DescribeFor Loop Statement
Data Types- The%ROWTYPE Attribute
- UsePL/SQL Records
- Insertand Update with PL/SQL Records
- ExamineINDEX BY Table Methods
- INDEXBY Tables
- UseINDEX BY Table of Records
Cursors- Describe the FOR UPDATE Clause and WHERE CURRENT Clause
- Declarethe Cursor
- What are Explicit Cursors?
- Fetchdata from the Cursor
- CursorFOR loop
- Closethe Cursor
- The%NOTFOUND and %ROWCOUNT Attributes
- Openthe Cursor
Handling- TrapUser-Define d Exceptions
- TrapNon-Predefined Oracle Server Errors
- UnderstandExceptions
- PropagateExceptions
- TrapPredefined Oracle Server Errors
- HandleExceptions with PL/SQL
Procedures- Listthe benefits of using PL/SQL Subprograms
- Listthe differences between Anonymous Blocks and Subprograms
- Create a Modularized and Layered Subprogram Design
- ImplementProcedures Parameters and Parameters Modes
- Create,Call, and Remove Stored Procedures
- ModularizeDevelopment With PL/SQL Blocks
- Understand the PL/SQL Execution Environment
- ViewProcedure Information
Functions- Identifythe steps to create a stored function
- Controlside effects when calling Functions
- Create,Call, and Remove a Stored Function
- ViewFunctions Information
- Restrictionswhen calling Functions
- Identifythe advantages of using Stored Functions
- InvokeUser-Define d Functions in SQL Statements
Subprograms- Debuggingthrough SQL Developer
- Howto debug Functions and Procedures?
Packages- DescribePackages
- What are the components of a Package?
- Developa Package
- Invokethe Package Constructs
- Viewthe PL/SQL Source Code using the Data Dictionary
- Howto enable visibility of a Packages Components?
- Listing the advantages of Packages
- Createthe Package Specification and Body using the SQL CREATE Statement and SQL Developer
Packages- PersistentState of a Package Cursor
- Overloading Subprograms in PL/SQL
- UseForward Declarations to solve Illegal Procedure Reference
- Controlside effects of PL/SQL Subprograms
- Use the STANDARD Package
- PersistentState of Packages
- InvokePL/SQL Tables of Records in Packages
- ImplementPackage Functions in SQL and Restrictions
Oracle-Supplied Packages in Application Development- Examplesof some of the Oracle-Supplied Packages
- Invokethe UTL_MAIL Package
- Use the UTL_FILE Package to Interact with Operating System Files
- Howdoes the DBMS_OUTPUT Package work?
- What are Oracle-Supplied Packages?
- WriteUTL_MAIL Subprograms
SQL- TheExecution Flow of SQL
- DeclareCursor Variables
- ConfigureNative Dynamic SQL to Compile PL/SQL Code
- DynamicSQL Functional Completeness
- Whatis Dynamic SQL?
- DynamicallyExecuting a PL/SQL Block
- Howto invoke DBMS_SQL Package?
- ImplementDBMS_SQL with a Parameterized DML Statement
Considerations for PL/SQL Code- UnderstandLocal Subprograms
- Implementthe NOCOPY Compiler Hint
- TheCross-Session PL/SQL Function Result Cache
- Usageof Bulk Binding to Improve Performance
- StandardizeConstants and Exceptions
- TheDETERMINISTIC Clause with Functions
- WriteAutonomous Transactions
- Invokethe PARALLEL_ENABLE Hint
Triggers- Identifythe Trigger Event Types and Body
- Howto Manage, Test and Remove Triggers?
- Identifythe Trigger Event Types, Body, and Firing (Timing)
- Differences between Statement Level Triggers and Row Level Triggers
- CreateDML Triggers using the CREATE TRIGGER Statement and SQL Developer
- Describe Triggers
- BusinessApplication Scenarios for Implementing Triggers
- CreateInstead of and Disabled Triggers
Compound, DDL, and Event Database Triggers- Implement a Compound Trigger to Resolve the Mutating Table Error
- Identifythe Timing-Point Sections of a Table Compound Trigger
- Comparisonof Database Triggers to Stored Procedures
- What are Compound Triggers?
- CreateDatabase-Event and System-Events Triggers
- Understand the Compound Trigger Structure for Tables and Views
- SystemPrivileges Required to Manage Triggers
- CreateTriggers on DDL Statements
Compiler- Overview of PL/SQL Compile Time Warnings for Subprograms
- Listthe PL/SQL Compile Time Warning Messages Categories
- Setting the Warning Messages Levels: Using SQL Developer, PLSQL_WARNINGSInitialization Parameter, and the DBMS_WARNING PackageSubprograms
- ViewCompiler Warnings: Using SQL Developer, SQL*Plus, or the DataDictionary Views
- Listthe benefits of Compiler Warnings
- Whatis the PL/SQL Compiler?
- Describe the Initialization Parameters for PL/SQL Compilation
- Listthe new PL/SQL Compile Time Warnings
Dependencies- QueryDirect Object Dependencies using the User_DEPENDENCIES View
- Overview of Schema Object Dependencies
- Invalidationof Dependent Objects
- Recompilea PL/SQL Program Unit
- UnderstandRemote Dependencies
- Queryan Objects Status
- Fine-GrainedDependency Management in Oracle Database 12c
- Displaythe Direct and Indirect Dependencies